Kumar Rakesh

Founder CEO and Technology Head

Kumar Rakesh leads the executive team for achieving the vision and mission of MAQYUIE SOLUTIONS PVT LTD. Kumar has 10 years of experience as CFO for startup companies as well as the well-established multinational corporation. Neel believes with innovative EdTech solution like Fedena we can bring automation in the institutes' daily operations and help the schools all around the world to run better.
Kumar Rakesh leads the executive team for achieving the vision and mission of MAQYUIE SOLUTIONS PVT LTD. Kumar has 10 years of experience as CFO for startup companies as well as the well-established multinational corporation. Neel believes with innovative EdTech solution like Fedena we can bring automation in the institutes' daily operations and help the schools all around the world to run better.

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Baban Kumar

Director and Support Head

Neelakantha Karinje leads the executive team for achieving the vision and mission of Foradian. Neel has 25 years of experience as CFO for startup companies as well as the well-established multinational corporation. Neel believes with innovative EdTech solution like Fedena we can bring automation in the institutes' daily operations and help the schools all around the world to run better.

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Prashant Kumar Saini

Director and Marketing Head

Kumar Rakesh leads the executive team for achieving the vision and mission of MAQYUIE SOLUTIONS PVT LTD. Kumar has 10 years of experience as CFO for startup companies as well as the well-established multinational corporation. Neel believes with innovative EdTech solution like Fedena we can bring automation in the institutes' daily operations and help the schools all around the world to run better.
Kumar Rakesh leads the executive team for achieving the vision and mission of MAQYUIE SOLUTIONS PVT LTD. Kumar has 10 years of experience as CFO for startup companies as well as the well-established multinational corporation. Neel believes with innovative EdTech solution like Fedena we can bring automation in the institutes' daily operations and help the schools all around the world to run better.

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Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium.Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium.
Philip Demarco
Senior Developer
James Anderson
Business Analyst

Edumaq Family

Talent wins Games, but Teamwork and intelligence win Championships.